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Information Design

屏幕快照 2020-06-04 下午6.54.57.png
屏幕快照 2020-06-04 下午6.55.11.png
屏幕快照 2020-06-04 下午6.54.47.png
屏幕快照 2020-06-04 下午6.54.24.png
屏幕快照 2020-05-02 下午4.02.43.png

This is an information design made up of WenRui Tang River Pollution Index. I chose a retro style to design due to the long history of Wenrui tang river. The paper folding is intricate, and I even burned the edges of paper.
The special paper folding makes it looks like a brochure from the front, but after opening is a square poster. The color I choes from old painting to echo the theme, and datas designed more intuitive by test tube.

屏幕快照 2020-05-02 下午3.19.19.png
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